How To Improve Daily Productivity Like A Boss
- April 16, 2020
- Craig Fischer
- Posted in Business
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The simple question is: How can you get the most out of your day? You might be wondering how these CEO’s are such productivity masters. Well, you do not need to be a CEO or the next Elon Musk. There is definitely no need for a hectic schedule. The goal is simply to increase your productivity.
Well, where do you start? How do you morph from an unproductive person who procrastinates all day to the next productivity master? Take note that there are no shortcuts to improving your productivity.
There are tools which you can utilize to quickly become more productive. One of the most common problems known to everyone is time management. This is why plenty of professionals have resorted to using special tools such as the Tomato Timer to help them balance their time by using this special tool to break down tasks into smaller bits and pieces while taking strategic breaks in between. Rather than taking on an entire objective for the day in one go, it has been scientifically proven that taking short pauses in between tasks help a person to be more efficient in completing the entire objective. This helps any individual to remain actively efficient without burning out thus giving you the opportunity to do more from your day.
Aside from this tool, we will show you some tips on how to improve your productivity step by step as it should be. Use these tips and gain incremental progress!
Wake Up Early
Waking up early in the morning is no ancient productivity secret. The great visionaries of all-time have long been waking up early. We understand that you may not aim to be a visionary. You do not need to be one to wake up early. Waking up early in the morning makes your day a little bit longer. That is assuming you got the right amount of sleep, of course.
Waking up first thing in the morning would mean longer hours and more time to be productive. The fact that you are waking up before the sun rises gives you fifteen more days in a year! Think about that extra fifteen days. There is so much more stuff and goals that you will be able to knock down in your extra fifteen days!
Another good reason why you should get up earlier is that our bodies tend to be more active in the morning. I know, you probably do not feel active, right? Like I said, get the right amount of sleep then work from that good sleep.
Set Up A To-Do List
Now that you have added more time to your day, what should you do with it? The simple answer is that you should figure it out. You can use the Pomodoro timer here! You can take a bunch of tasks that you will need to do in your day and list them all down. List them all down in your journal, phone, or personal computer.
Having a to-do list also defines your day as a productive one. Make sure that your schedule is flexible enough so that you will not miss out on a task. Set up a plan and manage your time in the most efficient and productive way that is possible!
To make an active to-do list, make sure that you write down the most critical tasks. Do not get me wrong; the small ones count for something as well but make sure you prioritize the bigger ones.
Minimize Procrastination
What do I mean by minimizing procrastination? I simply mean that you lay off with the distractions and get to work. Procrastinating does not help with accomplishing your tasks. Procrastinating means that you focus on not doing what you are supposed to do.
You might be wondering how not to procrastinate. It is more than just getting up and going to work. Sometimes you will always need a little boost or a tool that can help you start working. Here is where the Pomodoro timer comes in as an aid. Set up a bunch of 25-minute focus blocks for the tasks that you are trying to finish.
Make sure that you entirely focus during these 25-minute focus blocks. There will be no room for social media, youtube videos, and triple-A gaming during these focus blocks. Your 25-minutes are for knocking down essential tasks! Stretch the 25-minute mark however you want. The important thing here is to make your brain focus for a specific time.
Sleep More
Yes, you read that right. Sleep is productive. You might be asking how rest is productive? Well, getting the right amount of sleep makes sure that you are not tired and sleepy throughout the day. It is safe to say that being sluggish and having little energy the next day does not do good for your productivity levels.
Get the right amount of sleep and make sure you have energy. Use that energy to knock down the most important goals and tasks you have!
Final Thoughts
In a world that changes fast, increasing productivity is an essential goal. There is nothing wrong with trying to emulate the most productive CEO’s. The essential thing is that you make sure that you increase your productivity at your own pace. Always remember that you cannot increase your productivity overnight. You will have to work for it!
Slowly increase productivity so that you will get the most out of it. All you need to do is focus on the most significant tasks you have in your day and knock them down one by one! Eventually, you will get a hold of the things you need to do in your day and improve your daily productivity in the long run!