Recently, there has been a lot of attention paid to the mysterious respiratory illness that is sweeping the country. There have been a lot of people hospitalized with a mysterious lung disease that has even, in some cases, turned fatal. The regulatory authorities, such as the FDA and CDC, are working hard to try and figure out why these individuals are developing this illness. In many cases, it is young, healthy children that are coming down with these life-threatening problems. Thus far, the only common thread has been that all of the individuals hospitalized have used vaping products recently. One of the biggest e-cigarette companies, Juul, recently had a lawsuit filed against them. Without a doubt, this lawsuit against Juul is going to be the first of many.
What is Juul?
Juul is one of the biggest producers and manufacturers of electronic cigarettes in the world. These e-cigarettes have skyrocketed in popularity over the past few years. In the eyes of many, e-cigarettes present a “healthier” alternative to traditional tobacco products. Despite this stereotype, these products have not been on the market all that long and the research regarding them is cursory at best. Juul is known for manufacturing tiny e-cigarettes. Furthermore, their products often look like a USB drive and can fit in the palm of someone’s hand. They can be charged using mobile devices’ USB ports, such as those found on computers and tablets, and can be hidden in a closed fist. This has made them popular among children.
Why Has a Lawsuit Against Juul Been Filed?
A lawsuit against Juul has been filed alleging that the giant e-cigarette company has intentionally marketed its products to children. The reason why companies such as this would want children to use their products is that the nicotine (and possibly other chemicals) is extremely addictive and would make them loyal customers. Some of the concerns that people, including parents, have raised include that the company has made its e-liquid products sweet-flavored, almost intentionally marketing them to children. Furthermore, it’s no secret that the e-cigarettes themselves have become popular among kids. They are easy to hide and can be used in the bathrooms at school without someone knowing.
What Comes Next?
Right now, a lot of the focus is on the many people suffering from this vaping-related lung disease. Furthermore, it should be. Nobody should be placed in harm’s way by a business or company. Unfortunately, it appears that Juul has done exactly that. More needs to be done to protect everyone, especially children, from the dangers of these products. It will be interesting to watch the next steps unfold in this important Juul lawsuit.