Victims of accidents can suffer minor to catastrophic injuries. If you have an injury due to a recent accident, your insurance coverage can cover some or all of your medical costs. But, if the accident was caused by someone else, you could claim compensation. You just need to contact one of the best Colorado Personal Injury Attorneys to get guidance on the nature of your injury and the compensation options available for your injury. This article explores your options if you sustained catastrophic injuries:
What are Catastrophic Injuries
A catastrophic injury is a serious injury to the brain, skull, spinal cord, or spine. It leads to permanent disability to carry out any gainful work, serious head or neck trauma, and even death. It is commonly caused by vehicle accidents, sports or recreational activities, workplace accidents, construction accidents, medical mistakes, and other occurrences. The most common catastrophic injuries include traumatic brain injury, neurological disorders, multiple bone fractures, loss of limbs, severe brain injury, and more.
Compensation You Can Claim for Catastrophic Injuries
If you are a victim of catastrophic injury, you and your family are eligible for compensation if the injury resulted from another person’s negligence or intentional acts. You can file a personal injury claim against the other party. You must file the claim before the statute of limitations expires. The compensation amount is usually high because catastrophic injuries may have long-term effects on you. It is best to seek help from an experienced personal injury lawyer before you sign any compensation offers from insurance companies. Your lawyer knows the legal process involved in negotiating a fair claim for an injury of this severity. You may want to seek compensation for your medical costs until you recover from your injury, lost wages and pain and suffering that result from the injury. Your lawyer knows exactly how much compensation you deserve.