While writing with a fountain pen, it’s crucial to use equally high-quality paper. If you wanted to write in a notebook with college-ruled paper, you probably wouldn’t go out of your way to get an expensive fountain pen.
The most basic paper may be put to good use for things like jotting down a grocery list or a quick thought. But, you may find that your fountain pen is more gleaming on paper of higher quality.
Finding the Perfect Writing Material for Your Fountain Pen
While on the hunt for some premium fountain pen paper, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. There’s also the question of whether or not it’s appropriate for workplace usage, calligraphy, artistic drawing, letter writing, or note taking. Choose a pen with a wide tip if you’ll be using it for office tasks. So here is the information about best fountain pen paper.
Some of the factors to consider are detailed below.
Ideally, the paper’s smoothness would be in between the two extremes. Completely saturating the paper will very certainly cause the ink to be rejected, and even the ink that does penetrate will take an incredibly long time to dry.
Uncoated paper feels rough and uneven
It clashes with the fluidity and ease with which a quality fountain pen writes. For optimal performance with your fountain pen, look for semi- or half-coated paper.
Finally, you should stay away from feathering by avoiding feathering-inducing paper types. As the ink is soaked up by the paper fibres and spreads outward, creating what seems like a web of complex roots or veins, this is known as feathering. By using low-quality paper, this often happens.
Superior Quality Fountain Pen Journals
Begin by selecting various journals that can accommodate our fountain pens. High-quality paper is often used in notebooks that are made for writing with fountain pens.