Google AdWords is typically used by bigger companies or people wanting to get a boost with their new website. While it isn’t incredibly expensive to get ads from Google so that you automatically appear on the top page of Google search results, many people scroll past them without even looking.
The problem with using ads to learn about whatever you Googled for is that you never know if the information on that page will be of good quality. Any fluff piece can get on the first page through an ad.
Because of this, a large group of people use ad-blockers to keep these from appearing at all. This doesn’t mean you can’t use them to your advantage, however. Read on to learn how AdWords can help you get some organic high-ranking content!
Visit https://www.uptimiser.com.hk/seo-services/ for more related content.
The first step is to find keywords that fit under your niche. You need ones that you haven’t already used, of course. When you search for these keywords, look at the first few ads that pop up. Take a look at the wording used for the topic.
You can then use these topics and links to research and write some On-Page posts around them. Include the keywords in your posts and interlink them as best you can. Once you’ve optimized these posts and promoted them on your social media accounts, all you need to do is wait. After some time, you will find that these pages show up right below the ads in an organic fashion. This will take time, but it will provide you with much more traffic than the ads get.
Since people will observe that you achieved your ranking organically, through hard work and quality optimization, they will assume that your post is better than the ads. It’s a win-win situation!
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