Phishing has become a global security threat that needs to be addressed more urgently than it ever had to. The reason is the ways in which hackers have started exploiting the current pandemic to launch more and more malware attacks. Insiders – suppliers as well as employees – were always soft targets for phishing attacks, but the condition has worsened since many offline businesses suddenly shifted to the online platform. The employees that had to suddenly learn how to work on online platforms are least aware of the ways in which phishing attacks are carried out. Hence, during the pandemic, they have become the biggest liabilities when it comes to cybersecurity. Which is why it has become extremely important to increase cybersecurity awareness.
This guide has specially been designed to give you an idea about all such techniques that can be used to reduce the security concerns related to phishing and malware attacks. Have a look at them if you, as an employer and organization, want your company to not suffer from financial losses due to hacking.
No matter how many systems you have in your company – including the surveillance cameras – make sure that you assign a different and unique password for every single system that’s connected to the router. Follow the following tips and precautions to come up with password tricks to reduce phishing attacks.
Using one single network to connect all systems puts the entire organization at risk. Instead, if you use many independent networks and store independent bits of information in them, it will protect the organization in the following ways.
If your employees can learn better about the ways in which they can protect their devices while working remotely, the company will become much safer. Some things that you must focus on teaching them about are as follows.
All in all, these few techniques will certainly strengthen the security of your company against online threats.