This generation is not only smart but fast when it comes to the aspect of using technology, initiating business, and making money. They know their ways and interests that earn them much more than just a living. For them exploring is way more important than pursuing the ordinary, each day you tend to read news with some new inventions or apps developed by students to make life simpler in all ways.
Alexander Johnson Whisky(the word Whisky is joined to his name due to his success in this field) is yet another person who was asked to pursue a career according to his parents but ended up pursuing acting and directing. He quotes “It’s all communication in the end”. The skill he has due to acting has given him popularity and image in the entire business world. He was placed for about 2 weeks but ended up working for 2 years because of the talent he had in talking and adjusting to people and customers making him successful at the age of 23.
Though he now wishes to make films and is currently working on 3 different projects simultaneously with different directors across the world to make his dream of direction come true and get to the eyes of the audience with the skills he masters and wants to convey the message regarding redemption and sacrifice.
He also owns an Alexander Johnson Whisky trading firm called the Whisky Cask Company and a Scotch whisky brand called Mavarac. Most of the clients are Japanese and it is considered to be one of the finest Scotch whisky brands because it is made from French oak barrels. He not only earns with this business but producing and directing on low budgets fetches him a good deal of money with popularity. At a very early age, he served as the youngest CEO of the stock exchange company. His mind works brilliantly with ideas and world-changing technologies.
The Alexander Johnson Whisky company has its customer demands put first and sees clients as pillars to all the business that is done throughout the year.
They work on 5 principles, them being: