Medical science has progressed leaps and bounds. There were times when some treatments required the patient to get hospitalised, but now the same are done within a couple of hours and the patient can go home the same day. These changing medical scenarios required health insurance companies to catch up. Thus, the concept of day care treatments was introduced.
What is a day care treatment?
Day care treatments are the medical procedures that do not require hospitalisation for treatment. With the developments in healthcare facilities, specific dental ailments, ENT-related ailments, cataract operations, and many more do not require observation over a day.
What are the common treatments generally covered under day care procedures?
Here is a list of treatments that commonly included in day care procedures by your insurer –
The list of day care treatments covered varies as per the terms and conditions of your policy so always read the fine print carefully.
What are the benefits of opting for a day care coverage under your health insurance plan?
Availing any medical treatment can mentally stress you out. Although these treatments are quick, their costs aren’t easy on your pocket. To help you and your family stay financially stress-free, it is advisable you opt for day care procedures when purchasing health insurance plans for family. Let us have a look at how day care procedures can come in handy with the help of an example.
Mr. Soham has been struggling with poor eyesight for a prolonged duration. On a visit to the doctor, he is advised to get treated for cataract. Since he does not require hospitalization, he is worried whether his health insurance will cover it or not. His financial advisor informs him that his health insurance does cover cataract operations as a daycare treatment. This helps Mr. Soham relax and prepare for his surgery without having to worry about the finances.
What are the exclusions under day care procedures?
Like other plans, day care procedures also have certain exclusion stated in your policy document. Cosmetic surgeries aren’t included under day care procedure unless it is crucial to save the life of the insured individual. Also, out-patient department (OPD) treatments are specifically excluded from being counted as a day care procedure. Treatments like dental cleaning are considered as an OPD treatment. It is necessary you check for these exclusions in your policy at the time of purchase.
How to select a plan with day care coverage?
When purchasing health insurance plans, ensure you take a look at the day care clause. It will help you understand what treatments are included and excluded by your insurance company. Comparing different policies from insurance companies will help know which plans offer a broader coverage.
Making a claim for day care procedures is the same as standard insurance cover. Also, day care coverage comes handy when purchasing health insurance for senior citizens. As age increases, there is a frequent need of minor treatments. At such times, a day care cover can be a safety net to ensure your retirement fund is intact.