The Covid-19 pandemic has been a constant cause of concern for the world. Due to its high infection rate, over 190 million cases have been recorded. From this number, there have been over 4 million deaths. Still, this pandemic has yet to cease. Instead, a new variant called Delta has been discovered.
Vaccination began earlier this year with different brands of vaccines provided to help prevent the spread of the disease while inculcating people. However, with the new variants being discovered, there is no assurance that the vaccines will work.
The most recent of the Covid-19 variants, Delta, has been an even more serious cause for concern as vaccination only offers 88% protection. The Delta Covid Strain was discovered in India, in December 2020.
Delta is a SARS strain of the Covid virus that is highly infectious. Even more so than the usual strains of the Covid-19 virus. Delta is such a highly contagious strain that it has become the dominant strain in India and Britain, with cases spreading rapidly in the United States. It has been tagged as the fastest spread strain by the World Health Organizations WHO.
The Delta strain of the covid pandemic affects just a meager 12 % of vaccinated individuals. Most of these people recovered shortly after contracting the virus. This means that it poses a higher risk to unvaccinated people. Children are more likely to be infected along with elderly people. Although this is common with every variant of covid-19.
Unlike other variants of covid-19 that have been studied thoroughly, the Delta strain has a lot of undocumented information. In recent times, studies have shown vast differences between symptoms of the Delta variant and the common Covid-19 SARS virus.
One symptomatic difference is that the loss of smell is less common in infected individuals. People are less likely to cough as well. Those collecting information about the Delta virus are uncertain about how infectious it is to vaccinated patients and those who have previously been infected and built immunity. At the same time, there have been reports of the vaccine showing signs of protection against hospitalization for infected patients who have received Pfizer or Moderns vaccines.
Patients who have completed both doses of vaccines have not only shown a higher resistance against the Delta virus, but when infected, they have displayed a higher resistance to fatal symptoms that result in death and hospitalization.
The most effective method of protecting against the newest member of the Covid-19 SARS virus family is through complete vaccination. As studies have shown, patients who are vaccinated are less likely to be infected. Subsequently, those who get infected are less likely to be hospitalized if they were previously vaccinated. So far, only 4% of vaccinated people have been hospitalized after getting infected with the Delta strain.
As infectious and deadly as the Delta strain is, vaccination has proved to be the most effective weapon against it. For more information about the Covid-19 pandemic and the Delta variant, visit World News Times.